Driven grouse shooting – Scotland

Grouse moors, Scotland

Sleeps /

Driven grouse shooting in Scotland

The 2014 season is looking to be a good one. Please contact us for the latest available days in Scotland.

Goldsmith & Co sponsors Grouse seminar
As part of our ongoing commitment to Scottish Sporting Estates, Goldsmith & Co recently sponsored and attended a Red Grouse conference arranged by the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust. The event, held at Perth racecourse was attended by over 100 owners, keepers, and moorland managers.

The message was clear. Since 2007 medicated grit has delivered effective control of the strongyle worm, which has led to increased grouse numbers, notably in England. Moorland managers need to use medicated grit judiciously to avoid the threat of increased worm resistance and always ensure that statutory requirements such as veterinary prescriptions, record keeping and withdrawal periods are strictly adhered to.
With the background of medicated grit now effectively dealing with the issue of strongylosis, there is now greater emphasis on maintaining bio-security to prevent other emerging grouse diseases, which so far have not been observed in the Scottish Highlands.




Where to find Driven grouse shooting – Scotland


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